Thursday, February 19, 2009


Do things really happen for a reason? Or is that just an excuse we give ourselves when something does not bend our way?
Are we really born with the fate of our lives stamped on the palm of our hands? As I stare at the lines on my palm, I wonder... Why me? What did i do to deserve all that has happened to me this far? Doesn't character count for anything?
Someone said, "Don't worry. It's trials like this that make us stronger." True. But then again, there is only so much strenght one can accumulate over time. Sooner or later all that strenght will be too much to bear.
In the meantime, I'll just have to wait. I'll keep trying. I'll keep getting 'stronger & stronger' and with each failed step just hope that my strenght won't go weak on me.

-never assume-

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